Evaluating the multiple benefits of energy efficiency
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Improving energy efficiency has long been advocated as a way to increase the productivity and sustainability of society, primarily through the delivery of energy savings. However, the impact of energy efficiency is not limited to energy savings, but generates multiple benefits for various stakeholders in society, addressing a range of policy goals, with implications for long-term economic development.
The benefits attributed to energy efficiency measures range from localised benefits such as energy affordability, improved health and wellbeing and social development, to sectoral benefits such as industrial productivity, improved asset values and reduced environmental damage, as well as macro level outcomes such as energy security, national competitiveness and poverty alleviation in both developed and developing countries. Significant evidence is emerging to demonstrate these benefits and evaluation experts are beginning to explore ways to quantify them so that they can be more readily assessed alongside energy savings. Expanding evaluation to such matters could offer a new perspective on energy efficiency measures and, by improving the cost/benefit assessment of energy efficiency programs, might help decision-makers reconcile a perceived trade-off between supporting economic growth and reducing energy use generally.
This IEA/SEAI workshop aimed to give policy makers an overview of the range of possible benefits of energy efficiency, with presentations from experts with experience of several of the key possible benefits. Discussion will examine the current state of EE policy evaluation in various countries, on the basis of presentations by government officials from several IEA member countries, looking for evidence of evolving evaluation approaches as well as identifying opportunities for improvement. The workshop also provided an opportunity to get feedback on the direction of the IEA’s project.
The target audience of the workshop is energy and other policy makers as well as policy modellers. It was hoped to gather a range of experts working in the field in order to share experience and showcase new tools that could be used to develop national energy efficiency policy strategies.
Project Description
Workshop Summary
Welcome and introduction
1. Introduction of issues and scoping
a. The multiple benefits of energy efficiency : Nina Campbell, IEA
b. Classical evaluation frameworks for energy efficiency programmes : Mirjam Harmelink, Harmelink Consulting
c. Discussion
2. Round table discussion
a. Energy Affordability: William Baker, Consumer Focus, UK
b. Health benefits: Véronique Ezratty, Medical Studies Dept., EDF and David Ormandy, WHO Collaborating Centre for Housing Standards and Health
c. Industrial productivity : Julia Reinaud, Institute for Industrial Productivity
d. Macroeconomic outcomes : Ingrid Holmes, E3G tbc
Discussion: what are the most promising areas for further work?
3. Country evaluation methodologies
a. New Zealand : Christine Patterson, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
b. Ireland : Jim Scheer, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
c. United Kingdom : Sarah Meagher, Energy Efficiency Deployment Office
d. Sweden : Rurik Holmberg, Swedish Energy Agency
e. Denmark : Mikael Togeby, Ea Energy Analyses A/S
f. Netherlands : Joost Gerdes, ECN
g. United States : Marc Friedrichs, Department of Energy
Discussion: What gaps exist in the evaluation of EE multiple benefits?
4. Conclusions and work plan
a. Group discussion of work plan and next steps - Lisa Ryan, IEA
b. Conclusions and wrap up - Robert Tromop, IEA