Energy Management Action NetworK (EMAK) workshop 4
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Organised by the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) and the Government of Japan with support of International Energy Agency (IEA) as part of the Energy Management Action NetworK (EMAK) the workshop aimed to share practices and experiences on programmes for and industrial actions on the implementation of industrial energy efficiency. In light of the electricity crisis resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the government has ordered large industry and buildings to constrain demand and has asked voluntary actions from small and medium sized factories and buildings. This has spurred intensified industrial efforts to curb energy consumption and implement energy management systems.
Japanese experiences in this area provide insights into possibilities to quickly ensure sustained industrial energy efficiency improvements and is of relevance to other countries faced with supply constraints or that are planning to implement ambitious energy efficiency programmes. The workshop also presented experiences from Australia where the Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) Program has achieved substantial results in terms of reducing industrial energy consumption, Australian and German insights on the role of industry in demand side management, and experiences from Germany on the establishment of industrial networks for energy efficiency (LEEN).
Opening Session (Video full session)
1. Ms. Yukari Yamashita,Director, IEEJ
“Introduction and Objectives of EMAK 4th Workshop” Video
2. Mr. Hidemasa Nishiyama, Director, METI - "Japan's Policy on Energy Conservation" Video
Session 1
3. Mr. Hideki Mikami, Executive Director, Purchasing Department, Maruhan Corporation.
5-Year Energy‐Saving Initiative at 278 Pachinko Chain Parlors, Video
4. Mr. Toshiharu Ota and Ms. Naomi Ikdeda, Denso Corporation.
“Activation of Energy‐Saving Initiatives through Establishment of Energy‐EffectiveOrganization & Development of New Technologies” , Video
5. Mr. Motohide Ikeda, President, ENERES Co.,Ltd - “Demand Response Aggregator”, Video
6. Mr. Keisuke Hiraoka, Energy Policy Division, Kanto Bureau of
Economy, Trade and Industry (METI‐Kanto) - “METI‐Kanto’s Efforts to Promote Energy Conservation”
End of Session Discussion : Questions and Answers Video 1, Video 2
Session 2
7. Ms. Kris McCoy, Industrial Energy Efficiency Branch, Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Division, Department of Resources,Energy and Tourism, Australia, Video
“Energy Management and Energy Efficiency Lessons from the EEO Program”
8. Mr. Peter Dobney, Group Manager, Resources and Energy, Amcor, Video
“Energy and Demand Reduction in Australian Manufacturing Industry– Amcor’s Experiences”
9. Mr. Mirko Krück, Director, Economy & Policy,EnBW Energy Baden‐Württemberg inc. and Ms.Suzuko Tanaka, IEEJ, Video
- "Energy and electricity saving action: Demand side measures in Germany"
10 Dr. Dirk Köwener, Managing Director LEEN Ltd. Video
“Introduction of learning energy efficiency networks (LEEN)”
End of Session 2 Discussion : Questions and Answers, Video
EMAK Session 3
Panel Discussion chaired by Ms. Yukari Yamashita, Director, IEEJ, Video