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Doubling Energy Efficiency Policy Tools for Latin America

Paris Time

Background information

Doubling energy efficiency this decade is crucial to keep the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C within reach, whilst simultaneously addressing energy affordability, access, supply security and climate goals.

A year ago, during the 8th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in Versailles, June 2023, 46 governments came together to endorse the goal of doubling the average global rate of energy efficiency improvements by the end of this decade.

During COP28 in Dubai, December 2023, the momentum of these important events was consolidated when governments worldwide called for a “doubling of the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements” this decade.

This historic pledge emphasised the importance of enhanced action on energy efficiency for the world to accelerate the clean energy transition towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, supporting energy security and enabling greater integration of renewables into energy systems.

Doubling energy efficiency progress will need strong and early action

According to IEA analysis, while doubling the rate of global energy intensity progress to 4% is a challenging target, it is not an unprecedented level of progress. In the past ten years, 90% of countries have achieved the 4% rate at least once, and half have done so at least three times.

In support of the 9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in Nairobi, the IEA developed the Energy Efficiency Policy Toolkit 2024: From Versailles to Nairobi. The Toolkit helps governments contribute to the global target of doubling energy efficiency progress by 2030, as agreed in the UAE Consensus reached at COP28 in Dubai and in the Versailles Statement at the IEA’s 8th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency.

This report focuses on how the global doubling goal can be achieved and provides 12 concrete policy tools that address the efficiency of buildings, appliances, industry and vehicles. The Toolkit also contains a set of strategic principles and policy packages advanced by the IEA that can help governments seeking to implement efficiency policies rapidly and effectively.

This webinar will cover the main highlights of the IEA’s report, showcasing policies that Latin America could use to progress on the Doubling goal.

It will be held in Spanish and translated into Portuguese simultaneously.

IEA E4 webinars

Since 2014 the IEA has co-organised a total of 31 webinars in Latin America on a range of energy efficiency topics, as part of the Energy Efficiency in Emerging Economies (E4) Programme. These have focused on policies and technologies, the multiple benefits of energy efficiency, energy efficiency market reports and many other energy efficiency topics. Cumulatively, the webinars have been attended by 6 813 people from a wide range of backgrounds, sectors and countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay), with more than half of the audience for these in Mexico.

The aim of the webinar series is to increase awareness and knowledge of energy efficiency opportunities amongst federal and local governments, academia, private organisations, and other relevant stakeholders in key E4 partner countries such as Mexico and Brazil, as well as other Latin American nations.

Check out the other webinars of the series:


This webinar will last 60 minutes.

05:00 pm – 06:00 pm CEST / 09:00 am Mexico City / 10:00 am Bogota, Panama / 11:00 am Santiago de Chile / 12:00 pm Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro,

  • Introduction: Ana Lepure, Energy Efficiency Policy Analyst, IEA
  • Presentation “Energy Efficiency Policy Tools for Latin America”:
  • Ana Lepure and Federico Callioni, Energy Efficiency Policy Analysts, IEA
  • Q&A session: Ana Lepure, IEA