Digitalization for optimizing integrated district heating systems
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Background information
Digital technologies are believed to make the whole energy system smarter, more efficient, and reliable and to boost the efficiency and the integration of more renewables into the system In the future, digital applications might enable district energy systems to fully optimise their plant and network operation while empowering the end consumer. Further on, digital technologies are a key enabler for sector coupling and hybridisation of the energy system. On the other hand, challenges need to be tackled, such as data security and privacy as well as questions about data ownership.
The aim of this webinar is to discuss the role of digitalisation within a future CO2 free and integrated energy system, as well as to present activities, challenges and solutions from the industry perspective, and get an overview on current commercial solutions.
The webinar is divided in three blocks: policy framework and the big picture of digitalisation of energy infrastructures, digitalization of district heating systems, and hybrid energy systems.
This Webinar is held in the framework of two international cooperation programs: the IEA DHC Annex TS3 "Hybrid Energy Networks" and the IEA DHC Annex TS4 "Digitalisation of District Heating and Cooling".
Please register by 7th September 2020.