Clean Technology Manufacturing and Trade Webinar
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The new energy economy that is fast emerging creates big opportunities for countries looking to manufacture clean energy technologies, their components and related materials.
This webinar will present key findings on clean technology manufacturing and trade from Energy Technology Perspectives 2024, the latest edition of the IEA’s flagship technology publication. It is the first report of its kind to analyse the future of manufacturing and international trade of clean energy technologies and related materials, based on granular sectoral data and industry surveys. The analysis covers six key clean energy technologies – electric vehicles, batteries, solar PV, wind turbines, heat pumps and electrolysers – as well as their key components.
Authors of the report will present the global outlook across all of these technologies, before taking an in-depth look at each of the technologies in turn. Attendees will have an opportunity to comment and ask questions.
This webinar is part of a series on Energy Technology Perspectives 2024. Find out more about the full series and register for more webinars on our events page.