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Building Envelope Technologies and Policies Workshop

Workshop — Neuilly-sur-Seine, France


The total global final energy consumption in 2007 was 8230 Mtoe. The buildings sector consumed 2759 Mtoe 44% of which was consumed by buildings in OECD countries. The IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2010 (ETP 2010) baseline scenario shows that by 2050 the total energy consumption from the sector is expected to increase by 62% to over 4477 Mtoe with an increase in CO2 emissions of 87% to reach 15.2 Gt.

The IEA is organizing a series of workshops on buildings energy efficiency policies and technologies in different geographical regions to enable a deeper understanding of the regional particularities of the buildings sector in terms of policies and technologies.

The IEA workshops bring together policy makers, technical experts, industry and analysts from both the IEA member and the non-member countries. The aim of the IEA workshops on buildings energy efficiency policies and technologies is to:

  • share proven energy efficiency policy practices with experts on buildings energy policies
  • share information on existing buildings and equipment, as well as forthcoming efficient and low-carbon technologies and low buildings energy policies
  • better understand the trends in efficient technologies for buildings
  • better understand building stock and energy consumption trends

The first workshop of this series was held in Paris and was hosted by Deloitte Finance (Neuilly-sur-Seine). It was held on November 17th and 18th.
Subsequent workshops will be held in other regions.
The outcomes of these workshops will feed into the IEA publications on buildings energy efficiency policies and technologies.



17 November 2011

Introduction to the workshop
Chaired by Bo DICZFALUSY

Welcome/Opening Remarks
Bo DICZFALUSY, Director, Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology, International Energy Agency

IEA technology roadmaps
Cecilia TAM, International Energy Agency

IEA policy pathways
Dr. Lisa RYAN, International Energy Agency

SESSION 1: Background and scope of the building envelope
Chaired by Y. SAHEB

Background and Scope for Building Envelope
Dr. Yamina SAHEB, International Energy Agency

Round table discussion 1 -- Background and scope of the building envelope

SESSION 2: Technologies for the building envelope
Chaired by C. TAM

Windows and glazed area technologies and materials in Europe
Bertrand CAZES from European Windows Manufacturers association

Insulation technologies and materials
Shpresa KOTAJI from PU-Europe

Building envelope technologies and material in the US (Second Presentation)
Dr. Stephen SELKOWITZ from Lawrence National Berkeley Laboratory

Cool Roofs: Cost Effective Technology for Better Buildings, Healthier Cities and
Kurt SCHICKMAN from Global Cool Cities Alliance

Round table discussion 2 -- Technologies for the buildings envelope

SESSION 3: Modelling the savings potential in buildings
Chaired by N.TRUDEAU

IEA-Energy Technology Model
Nathalie TRUDEAU, International Energy Agency, IEA

Global Energy Assessment (GEA) model
Ksenia Petrichenko, Central European University

Built Environment Analysis Model² (BEAM²)
Kjell Bettgenhäuser, Ecofys

France, RES-IRF Modeling the savings potential in the residential sector

Round table discussion 3 -- Potential reduction for the building envelope

18 November 2011

SESSION 4: Regulatory instruments
Chaired by Y.SAHEB

Overview of existing instruments
Dr. Yamina SAHEB International Energy Agency

Overview of the European Buildings Regulations
Emmanuel CABAU, Deputy Head of Energy Efficiency Unit, EC DG Energy

What Impact will the new EU Cost-optimum Regulation have on EU and Global Build
Randall BOWIE, European Insulation Manufacturers Association, EURIMA

Overview of US regulations
Dr. Stephen SELKOWITZ from Lawrence National Berkeley Laboratory

International collaboration on Buildings Energy Efficiency

Round table discussion 4 -- Regulatory instruments

SESSION 5: Information instruments
Chaired by A. BLYTH

Overview of existing instruments and their implementation in IEA and BRICS count
Alastair BLYTH, International Energy Agency, IEA

A review of the implementation of the Energy Performance Certification Scheme in
Dr. Marina Economidou, Buildings Performance Institute Europe

Buildings Energy labels in France: From profusion to confusion?
Aurélie CLERAUX, ELAN-Bouygues Construction

Round table discussion 5 -- Information instruments

SESSION 6: Economic instruments
Chaired by L. RYAN

Economic Instruments to support investment for low energy buildings
Dr. Lisa RYAN, International Energy Agency

The use of economic instruments to renovate Europe
Dr. Bogdan ATANASIU, Buildings Performance Institute Europe

Round table discussion 6 -- Economic Instruments

Next steps, Wrap-up, closing remarks
Chaired by Yamina Saheb, Nathalie Trudeau and Cecilia Tam