Bilateral event with the Republic of South Africa: Sustainable Energy Options for South Africa
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This event was organised with the Department of Energy of South Africa and Eskom.
This three-day event was organised with the close co-operation of the South African Department of Energy and the IEA, together with Eskom. Participants from South Africa included most stakeholders of the energy sector such as other governmental Departments (Science and Technology, Trade and Industry, Public Enterprise, Environmental Affairs, Transport, etc.), the South African Local Government Organisation and the National Business Initiative with its private sector members, among many others. Besides high-level IEA representation joined by a number of IEA experts, five Implementing Agreements were also participating.
The event, which included the signing of an MoU with the government of South Africa, aimed to provide new perspectives on current energy issues in the country and discuss key energy topics where cooperation in the future would have the most added value. Each of the three days had a different focus: the first day examined how best to deliver energy efficiency policies, highlighting the role of policy and regulatory certainty to fostering energy efficiency investment as well as the role of energy providers, municipalities and other stakeholders in delivering energy efficiency.
The workshop of the second day focused on international perspectives in designing roadmaps and analysis of the costs associated with implementation. It examined the tools that roadmaps provide and explored the necessary steps to achieve implementation, building upon the previous analysis of roadmaps, and approaches and strategies for enhancing international technology collaboration.
Technology priority-setting and technology portfolio choices were addressed on the last day. The objective of this workshop was to inform South African decision-makers of the important issues relevant to technology priority-setting and technology portfolio choices that are particularly relevant to electricity transmission and distribution as well as municipal planners.
Saving Electricity in a Hurry
Energy Technology Initiatives
Day 3 List of Speakers
Links to relevant workshops:
From Roadmaps to Implementation
The Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy: Socio-Economic Considerations
Launch of the publication Saving Electricity in a Hurry: An Update
1.1 Opening Remarks
Nobuo Tanaka, Executive Director, IEA
1.2 Presentation of the publication "Saving Electricity in a Hurry: An Update"
Grayson Heffner, Senior Analyst, Energy Efficiency Division, IEA
Press conference on the occasion of the signing of the MoU
Remarks by Nobuo Tanaka
Energy efficiency policy workshop
This workshop was designed as a dialogue on energy efficiency policy delivery and was aimed to highlight the intersections between energy efficiency policy in IEA member countries and South Africa. It kicked-off with an introduction to the IEA’s Energy Efficiency Policy Recommendations and a recent evaluation of their implementation and was followed by a presentation of the Policy Pathway series, highlighting proven practice in delivering energy efficiency policies. It concluded with a review of IEA research on institutional arrangements and enabling frameworks for energy efficiency.
1.3 The IEA’s 25 energy efficiency recommendations: achieving worldwide implementation
Grayson Heffner, Senior Analyst, Energy Efficiency Division, IEA
1.4 South Africa’s energy efficiency strategy
Xolile Mabusela, Director: Energy Efficiency, Department of Energy
1.5 Mobilising energy efficiency in South Africa (Voluntary Agreements for Industry)
Ms. Valerie Geen, Director: Climate Change, National Business Initiative
1.6 Policy pathways for buildings certification and appliance
Grayson Heffner, Senior Analyst, Energy Efficiency Division, IEA
1.7 Mobilising energy efficiency in South Africa (NEEA activities)
Mr. Barry Bredenkamp, South African National Energy Development Institute
High-level energy efficiency policy dialogue
The objectives of this roundtable discussion were to:
- Inform the review of the National Efficiency Strategy or policy development improvement
- Identify the barriers/hurdles on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Policies
- Create a public-private platform in dealing with the challenges as a collective; and
- Recommend concrete action that could lead to significant progress in bridging the gap and accelerate the energy efficiency agenda
1.8. Co-ordinating energy efficiency policy delivery
Nobuo Tanaka, Executive Director, IEA
Dinner programme with private sector CEOs
Speech by Mr. Tanaka
The workshop, which was aimed at building capacity, looked at the IEA’s approach to energy technology roadmaps, including the role of modelling and scenario analysis in roadmap development. After an introduction to the IEA’s approach and a look at the European experience with energy technology roadmaps, the day continued to explore how to develop such a roadmap. Roadmaps identify the technical, policy and financial barriers to accelerating deployment of the most important clean technologies and the focus of the discussions was on overcoming these. This scoping workshop ended with a roundtable to discuss the possibility of developing a solar roadmap for South Africa.
2.1 Energy technology policy and training and capacity building at the IEA
Ulrich Benterbusch, Director, Global Energy Dialogue, IEA
2.2 Introduction to roadmaps and IEA approach
Cecilia Tam, Senior Analyst, IEA
2.3 Energy technology roadmaps: data analysis and modeling
Uwe Remme, Energy Modeller, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA
2.4 IRENA’s roadmap activities
Namjil Enebish, Project manager, IRENA
2.5 Challenges and opportunities of energy technologies in South Africa
Dr. Velaphi Msimang, Department of Science and Technology
2.6 Integrated resource planning: technology options
Mr. Sonwabo Damba, Eskom
2.7 Solar energy perspectives
Cédric Philibert, Senior Analyst, Renewable Energy Division, IEA
2.8 Understanding the roadmap process - Energy technology example: solar
Cecilia Tam, Cédric Philibert, IEA
2.9 Roundtable - a solar roadmap for South Africa
Cédric Philibert, Senior Analyst, Renewable Energy Division, IEA
Electricity Transmission and Distribution, Smart Cities and Policies & Frameworks for Transport
Based on recent policy developments within South Africa, the IEA Secretariat held a targeted event between South African stakeholders and key Implementing Agreements (Ias) on cross-cutting topics of interest. This day was designed to inform decision-makers of the important issues relevant to technology priority-setting and technology portfolio choices that are particularly relevant to energy planning.
3.1 Load management with demand-side management
Rob Kool, Energy and Climate Cooperation, NL Agency
Chair, Demand-Side Management IA
3.2 Thermal and electrical energy storage
Dr. Luisa Cabeza, Professor of Engineering, University of Lleida (Spain); Spanish Representative, Energy Storage IA
3.3 Smart metering: consumer behaviour
Dr. Gundula Hubner, Institute of Psychology, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg; Task Leader, Wind IA
3.4 Maximising national policy frameworks for regional/local benefit
Dr. Luisa Cabeza, Professor of Engineering, University of Lleida
3.5 Integrating clean technology choices into communities
Dr.Reinhard Jank, Volkswohnung GmbH Task Leader, ECBCS IA
3.6 Socio-economic considerations of technology choices
Dr. Gundula Hubner, Institute of Psychology, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
3.7 Market deployment of hybrid and electric vehicles
Dr. David Beeton, Centre for Industrial Growth
Chair, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles IA
3.8 Green transport programmes in South Africa
Carel Snyman, Senior Manager, Green Transport, SANEDI