ASEAN Regional Energy Efficiency Policy Dialogue and Capacity Building Workshop
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Organisers: IPEEC-WEACT Subtask (Led by Italian Ministry of Economic Development), IEA, and the IPEEC Secretariat. Hosted by Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
WEACT (Worldwide Energy Efficiency Action Through Capacity Building and Training) is a subtask of the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC). The objectives of WEACT include raising awareness regarding the benefits and importance of energy efficiency policies for government leaders, and building capacity of government staff and consultants to develop and implement high quality energy efficiency policies. The IPEEC web site ( has more information on the WEACT work programme. The IEA is a major contributor to developing and delivering IPEEC-WEACT work programme.
The IPEEC-WEACT subtask is led by Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development/Department of Energy in cooperation with Italian clean energy agencies, the U.S. Department of Energy and its National Renewable Energy and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, Japan’s Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Energy Conservation Center Japan, France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ADEME, and the International Energy Agency. Participating Governments, with in kind and cash contributions to the performing organizations, finance WEACT.
A key component of the IPEEC-WEACT work programme is policy dialogue and capacity building focused on energy efficiency issues and policies of particular interest in specific regions. This component is carried forward through regional events which include high-level policy dialogues and capacity building workshops.
A regional energy efficiency policy dialogue and capacity building event for the Southeast Asia region was held on 18-20 October in Jakarta, Indonesia. This event was convened under the auspices of the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MoED). The two events were developed and delivered jointly by MoED, the IEA and the IPEEC Secretariat. Additional technical, in-kind and financial support was provided by ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), the International Copper Association, Danish International Development Agency, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, AusAID, and the Norwegian Aid Agency (NORAD).
Over 85 participants from nine ASEAN member nations plus China, Japan, and India participated in the Jakarta workshop. The policy dialogue and capacity building workshop afforded opportunities for interaction between country energy efficiency experts as well as donors, NGOs, and the IPEEC-WEACT working partners.
The presentations from the Jakarta workshop as well as the workshop report will be provided shortly.
Day 1 - 18th October 2011
Welcome from IPEEC-WEACT
Prof. Sergio Garribba, Italian MoED
Welcome from ACE
Hardiv Harris Situmeang, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy
Welcome & opening speech from MEMR
Teguh Pamudji, Head of ETAEMR & Representative of Minister of Energy of Indonesia
Keynote Addresses
Energy efficiency progress and outlook in ASEAN-Region
Rehan Kausar, Project Administration Unit Head, SE Asia Division, Asian Development Bank
Role of energy efficiency in sustainable development
Luluk Sumiarso, Indonesian Institute for Clean Energy
Business cases for energy efficiency
Victor Zhou, Sub-regional Director for China and SE Asia, International Copper Association
Energy efficiency in emerging economies: challenges and opportunities
Kaushik Das, Lead Partner, Global Energy Practice, McKinsey & Company SE Asia
Panel Discussions
Panel discussion 1: Delivery frameworks for energy efficiency policies
Dicky Edwin Hindarto, Indonesian National Council on Climate Change
Rehan Kausar, ADB
Arthit Vechakij, Managing Director, Excellent Energy Int’l Thailand
Amit Bando, Executive Director, IPEEC
Moderated by Grayson Heffner, EE Advisor, IEA
Panel discussion 2: Opportunities for regional co-operation on energy efficiency
Kala Mulqueeny, Sr. Counsel, Asian Development Bank
Mayur Karmarkar, Asia Sustainable Energy leader, ICA
Rajiv Garg, SE Asia Climate Change Network
Cecilya Malik, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
Moderated by Amit Bando, IPEEC
Closing Session
Wrap-up and Way Forward
Closing remarks
Prof. Garribba, Italian MoED
Teguh Pamudji, Head of ETAEMR
Workshop Registration
Welcome by MEMR
Introduction to the IPEEC-WEACT activity
Teguh Pamudji, Head of ETAEMR
Amit Bando, IPEEC
SESSION I: Action Planning for energy efficiency.
This opening session will introduce action planning concepts and their application in ASEAN region. Action planning is a versatile concept that officials and companies can use to identify the steps needed to implement energy efficiency policies and programmes.
Overview: action planning goals, approaches, and examples
Ron Benioff, Manager, International Programmes, NREL
Case Study: action planning in the EU
Grayson Heffner, Senior Energy Efficiency Advisor, IEA
Energy efficiency action planning in ASEAN region
Beni Suryadi, Project Officer, ASEAN Centre for Energy
Group discussion: Co-operation on energy efficiency action planning in the region
Moderators: Beni Suryadi, ACE and Ron Benioff, NREL
Policy Dialogue Group Dinner
Day 2 - 19th October 2011
SESSION II: Energy Efficiency Financing.
This module will describe the challenges facing energy efficiency financing for project developers, financial institutions, development banks, and energy services companies (ESCOs). Panelists will present proven practice for mobilizing energy efficiency project and program finance, followed by an opportunity to discuss how these successes can be replicated throughout the region.
Overview: Overcoming energy efficiency financing barriers in the region
Dilip Limaye, ECO-Asia Super-ESCO project consultant
Panel discussion: Funding and financing models for energy efficiency projects and programmes
Amit Kumar, Assoc. Director, PWC India
Rehan Kausar, SE Asia Division, ADB
Arthit Vechakij, Managing Director, Excellent Energy Int’l Thailand
Aldo Baietti, Lead Infrastructure Specialist, The World Bank
Group discussion: Opportunities for ASEAN-Region co-operation on energy efficiency funding and financing
Dilip Limaye, ECO-Asia
SESSION III: Energy Efficiency Indicators for ASEAN Countries.
Developing EE indicators is central to effective energy efficiency policies. This module will use case studies to illustrate EE indicators already adopted in ASEAN, and provide insights into data needs and data quality issues. The opportunities for regional cooperation on developing EE indicators will be highlighted, beginning with the ACE/EE&C-SSN efforts.
Overview: setting targets and monitoring policies using energy efficiency indicators
Nathalie Trudeau, IEA
Panel discussion: progress on establishing energy efficiency indicators in ASEAN-Region
Beni Suryadi, ACE
Ibu Indarti, DGNREEC
Eliane Métreau, Project manager, Enerdata
Yoshida Kazuhiko, Manager, International Dept., Energy Conservation Center Japan
Cecilya Malik, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
Group discussion: ASEAN-Region co-operation on EE indicators
Nathalie Trudeau, IEA
Beni Suryadi, ACE
SESSION IV: Program Monitoring and Evaluation Tools.
Most ASEAN nations have designed and implemented energy efficiency (EE) policies. As these policies are implemented it is important to perform monitoring and evaluation at the program level. This module will use ASEAN and IPEEC case studies and focus on practical approaches to program monitoring and evaluation.
Alessandro Federici, Italian ENEA
Panel discussion: Program monitoring experience in ASEAN region
Peter DuPont, Nexant
Ron Benioff, NREL
Nathalie Trudeau, IEA
Day 3 - 20th October 2011
SESSION V: Sustainable Urban Energy Policies and Programs for ASEAN Region.
Cities account for over half of energy use and GHG emissions in the ASEAN region. Governments and development banks are increasingly looking to cities as the venue for developing and implementing sustainable development policies. This session will present and discuss emerging new practices for sustainable development in the ASEAN region urban context.
Overview: Creating sustainable cities in ASEAN region
Maithili Iyer, Urban Energy Specialist, Energy & Environment Division, LBL
Panel discussion: Emerging practice for sustainable urban energy in the ASEAN region
Dejan Ostojic, East Asia Pacific Energy Sector Lead, World Bank
Rob Carr, Head of Environment & Sustainability, Happold Consulting
Rehan Kauser, Climate Change Specialist, ADB
Group discussion: Co-operation on sustainable urban energy for the region
Maithili Iyer and Rob Carr
SESSION VI: One-on-one consultations with ASEAN country delegations.
This session offers an opportunity for participants to interact directly with speakers and panelists. Delegates from each ASEAN country will be able to request a consultation using a sign-up sheet circulated during the workshop.
One-on-one consultations
SESSION VII: Best practice in ASEAN regional co-operation.
This session will describe regional cooperation in the area of CFL quality standards, power distribution, energy manager certification, and energy regulation to demonstrate how public-private sector cooperation can create regional solutions for ASEAN countries.
Overview: Creating conditions for regional co-operation
Steven Sim, CEO, ICA SE Asia
Panel Discussion: Case studies of successful regional co-operation in ASEAN region
1. CFL quality standards in ASEAN region ( )
2. Regional harmonization in power distribution systems and residential energy efficiency (Bek Chee Jin, COO, ICA SE Asia )
3. ASEAN Energy Management Scheme (Pierre Cazelles, AEMAS Project Advisor )
4. ASEAN Energy Regulators Network (Kala Mulqueeny, Sr. Legal Counsel, ADB )
Group discussion
Moderated by Amit Bando, IPEEC
SESSION VIII: Bringing it all together - topical and/or sectoral small group discussions
Small group discussions
Moderated by IPEEC-WEACT team
Present small group discussion results Group leaders
Homework assignments and wrap-up
WEACT team
Capacity Building Workshop Farewell Dinner