5th IEA International CCS Regulatory Network Meeting
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CCS deployment continues to fall well short of its vaunted potential, despite being mature in many applications. If all projects currently operational, in construction or at an advanced stage of planning are operational in 2020, total capture capacity will be around 65 MTCO2 per year - or one-quarter of that required in a 2°C stabilization scenario. While there are clear signs of commercial interest in CCS technologies, industry is awaiting its cue from governments around the world. CCS demonstration and deployment depends entirely on strong policy and regulatory action by government. How, then, can governments encourage and accelerate progress, based on “lessons-learnt” to date and solutions currently being explored around the world?
The fifth meeting of the IEA International CCS Regulatory Network will seek solutions to key challenges facing governments in developing both incentive and regulatory frameworks for CCS technologies. How can project experience with CCS permitting processes inform ongoing efforts to develop and improve CCS regulation? What are key lessons to be learned from CCS demonstration programs to date and how can new programs incorporate these lessons? What are the incentive frameworks that will be needed to get commercial CCS deployment off the ground? And what are key remaining or emerging regulatory challenges that governments need to address to enable commercial deployment?
Day 1:
Tracking global progress in CCS deployment - Didier Houssin, Director, Directorate, IEA
Actions to deliver CCS deployment - Sean McCoy, IEA
Outcomes of Alberta’s Regulatory Framework Assessment process - Rob Bioletti, Alberta Energy
Lessons from implementing the EU CO2 storage directive and key issues for the way forward - Alexandr Jevsejenko, EC
Progress on and lessons from implementing the US EPA Class VI rule - Bob Van Voorhees, Carbon Sequestration Council
Shell Quest - JP Jepp, Shell
European CCS Demonstration Projects Network - Daniel Rennie, GCCSI
ROAD - Tom Jonker, ROAD
Illinois Basin-Decatur Project - Sallie Greenberg, Illinois State Geological Survey
Creating effective, targeted, and coordinated incentive policies - Wolf Heidug, IEA
Alberta, Canada: CCS funding programme - Rob Bioletti, Alberta Energy
European Union: NER 300 programme Alexandr Jevsejenko, European Commission
United States: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding - Jared Daniels, US DOE
Technology-specific support mechanisms - George Day, Energy Technologies Institute
United Kingdom: Electricity Market Reform process - David Rutland, DECC
Driving deployment in industry - Simon Bennett, IEA
Driving CCS deployment in the developing world: alternatives to the CDM and role of MDB’s - David Lunsford, Perspectives GmbH
Day 2:
Accelerating exploration for storage and development of bankable projects - Gilles Munier, Geogreen
Managing conflicting uses of the subsurface - Tim Dixon, IEAGHG
Australia - Martin Squire, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
Norway - Mette Agerup, Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Alberta, Canada - Rob Bioletti, Alberta Energy
United Kingdom - Shabana Ahmad, UK Crown Estate
Challenges in combining CCS and CO2-EOR - Ian Havercroft, GCCSI
US GHG Reporting Program: Subparts RR &UU - Bruce Hill, Clean Air Task Force
EU Directive on Geologic Storage and CO2-EOR - Chiara Armeni, University College London
“Best-practice” public engagement: investigate, adapt, engage - Peta Ashworth, CSIRO
Role of government in public engagement - Justine Garrett, IEA
France - Lionel Perrette, Ministry of Ecology and Industry
Victoria - Anna Beesley, Department of Primary Industries
Shell Quest - JP Jepp, Shell
ROAD - Tom Jonker, ROAD
Lacq - Dominique Copin, TOTAL
IEA CCS Law and Regulation Database - Justine Garrett, IEA
How can the network help you? - Sean McCoy, IEA