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4th G20 Energy End-Use Data and Energy Efficiency Metrics initiative Workshop

Paris Time
Report launch

Rethinking end use data collection in the light of the global health crisis

The G20 end use data and energy efficiency metrics initiative has gathered country representatives, over the past four years, to share knowledge, methodologies and experiences in collecting and using energy end use data and efficiency metrics for policy-making.

This initiative is co-led by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the French government through its energy efficiency agency (ADEME), building on established work in developing energy efficiency indicators to monitor energy efficiency progress. This year G20 Presidency is Saudi Arabia.

Following the successful 2019 discussions of the third workshop in Paris that explored, beyond traditional methods, new and digital technologies for energy end use data collection, the fourth workshop will focus on another yet emergent topic, and will be hosted by Canada.

Given the current global health crisis, the fourth workshop will be held in a virtual setting, as collection of detailed and timely data becomes increasingly important to support countries in their economic recovery plans, and with energy efficiency potentially playing a key role in this space.

This year’s workshop is, thus, dedicated to better understand the implications that such crisis has had and will have on detailed energy data (and hence on existing and planned data collection systems) required not only to assess the real impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on energy systems from a demand-side perspective, but also, to boost the potential role that energy efficiency can play in the economic recovery of G20 countries, through evidence-based decisions and policies.

The debate will also deep dive into the services sector, which has been particularly hit by the crisis (e.g. food and accommodation, health, and education), and is also historically one of the most challenging for countries to collect data. Reviewing the current data collected and indicators used to monitor specific types of services is a relevant asset for countries in their ‘new normal’ transition.

Sharing experiences will continue to be at the center of this initiative, highlighting the role of international collaboration to help world economies recover. This G20 initiative becomes of utmost importance to help to understand new and detailed demand-side patterns and ensure that efficiency policies – and broader recovery plans- can continue to deliver.

Objectives of the workshop & questions

  • To understand the impact that global health crisis has had on the national energy end use data collection – teams working remotely, surveys postponed, delayed, new opportunities from technology, etc…?
  • To understand new data needs emerging from this new reality. Has the crisis brought energy data into light? What is the relevance of timely data? New data and indicators needed to track a particular sector? End use data and efficiency indicators included into national recovery plans?
  • Services deep-dive: Why are services important? What is the status of data collection and efficiency metrics developed across G20 countries for services? What else can be done?
  • What are best practices of end use data collection and estimation methodologies that can be transferred across countries? New technologies/digitalization also have a role to play to improve energy data for services?

Target audience and overall design

The initiative benefits from the participation of a network of national experts and stakeholders working on energy end use data and on the field of energy and energy efficiency at large. This includes representatives from energy ministries, national statistical offices, energy efficiency agencies, other international and regional partners, as well as energy utilities, regulators, and other players from the private sector as well.

The workshop will take place online during approximately 3 hours, in a time slot that aims at maximizing participation across different geographical time zones. It will start with an introduction by the leaders of the initiative and the host country, then move to a session dedicated to countries’ contributions, followed by a deep dive into the services sector, and conclude with main findings and takeaways.

Opening session

  • Welcome address by leaders of initiative and host

Session 1 – The impact of the global health crisis on end-use data collection

  • What impact has the global health crisis had on energy end use data collection?
  • Are there new data needs, including for the assessment of recovery plans?
  • What can be done to increase data timeliness?

Webinar session 1 - Recording

Session 2 – Deep-dive into the services sector

  • Why is data on services important for energy efficiency?
  • What is the status of data and metrics developed across G20 countries for services?
  • What else can be done?

Webinar session 2 - Recording

Session 3 – Wrap-up and ways forward

  • How can we improve end use data to better respond to policy needs, given crisis context?
  • What practices of end use data collection and estimation can be applicable/ useful in your country?
  • What opportunities and challenges have you identified?
  • How do you see the role of new technologies?