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18th IEA-IETA-EPRI Annual Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading

Workshop — Paris, France


The International Energy Agency (IEA), International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) hosted the 18th Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Workshop on November 6-7 in Paris.

Each year this invitation-only workshop brings together over one hundred senior officials from OECD countries, the European Union and other nations, corporate executives from electric companies, energy-intensive industries, brokerage companies and the financial community, analysts and researchers from non-governmental organisations and academia, to discuss developments in GHG emissions trading and related issues around the world. The workshop combines presentations based on recent research with interactive discussions, held under the Chatham House rule.


Workshop Overview and Introductions

Mechthild Wörsdörfer, International Energy Agency (IEA)

Dirk Forrister, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)

Tom Wilson, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)


Session 1: Regional and sectoral updates

This opening roundtable will take stock of carbon market developments globally, with specific insights from different regions and sectors. The discussion will be kicked off by an overview of latest developments and trends in carbon markets around the world, followed by updates from specific markets and deep dives offered by experts from different jurisdictions and sectors.


Stefano De Clara, IETA


Constanze Haug, ICAP

Kate Rich, Environment and Climate Change, Canada


Yue Huang, IATA

Jose Manuel Medina Aguilar, SEMARNAT - Permanent Delegation of Mexico to the OECD and EU


Session 2: Roundtable – Article 6 implementation status

Less than a month away from the start of COP24, this session will explore the latest state of play in the Article 6 discussion. Will negotiators be able to deliver the Paris Rulebook by the end of the COP? What are the likely landing zones for Article 6? What are the possible sticking points? A panel of market negotiators, private sector representatives and experts will tackle these questions and will discuss expectations for COP24. 


Dirk Forrister, IETA


Martin Hession, European Commission

David Hone, Shell

Jos Cozijnsen, Environmental Defense Fund

Rajesh Sethi, UNFCCC & CDM Executive Board & JISC


Session 3: Carbon market collaboration and linkage 

Carbon market collaboration amongst national and sub-national jurisdictions is rising, with recent agreements across jurisdictions in the Americas adding to the numerous existing collaborative initiatives to align standards and policy design, and raise carbon pricing ambition. This session addresses the current status of carbon market “clubs” and how interjurisdictional collaboration could evolve over time.


Andrew Prag, IEA


Jean-Yves Benoît, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

Kentaro Takahashi, IGES, Japan

Juan Pedro Searle, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Chile

Emilie Alberola,Head of Climate Policies, EcoAct


Session 4: Modelling emissions trading systems 

In recent years, analyses of the implications of global trade have shifted from analysing the benefits of all-inclusive, global trading schemes to the assessment of a variety of constrained trading systems – limited participants, what is traded, connection of disparate systems, the mechanisms for trade, and implications of different global targets.  This session will explore current analyses and directions and facilitate a discussion of analysis needs. 


Tom Wilson, EPRI


Steve Rose, EPRI

Sha Yu, University of Maryland & PNNL


Ruben LublwskiEnvironmental Defense Fund

Daniele Agostini, ENEL

Haege Fjellheim, Thomson Reuters


Session 5: China’s national ETS

China’s national ETS is set to change the global carbon market landscape, as the world’s largest market at 1.5 the size of the EU ETS. Its implementation in the short-term is but a first step for a system that is set to evolve incrementally over time. This session will explore current status of the national ETS and how its design and role may evolve into the future.


Caroline Lee, IEA


Cyril Cassisa, IEA

Zhang Xiliang, Tsinghua University

Gloria Kwan, CLP Power HK

Renato Roldao, ICF China


Session 6: EU ETS in Phase 4

When the Phase 4 reforms take effect, they are widely expected to strengthen the EU ETS and restore the supply-demand balance. However, the EU’s carbon market will face new challenges in Phase 4, including the need to align the EU’s long-term decarbonisation strategy with the Paris Agreement. This session will discuss the impact the new rules are expected to have and will look ahead to key events in Phase 4 which may trigger further market design changes and strengthening.


Simon Henry, IETA


Peter Zapfel, DG CLIMA, European Commission

Emily Briggs, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), United Kingdom

Andre Tzschoppe, EEX AG

Andrei Marcu, ICTSD/ERCST

Marcus Ferdinand, ICIS


Session 7: ETS and GHG policy developments and interactions in the US

Emission trading systems are one of many policy tools being utilized to limit or reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. In the US, amidst a constantly shifting federal environment, many companies, cities, states, and regions have developed policies to reduce GHG emissions.  In some cases, there are different policies for different sectors of the economy. In others, there are multiple policies for single sectors. This session will provide an update on recent US developments and explore the implications of policy interactions at various levels.


David Hunter, EPRI


Sydney Vergis, Legislative Director, California Air Resources Board

Ke WeiNew York City Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resilience

Charles Rossmann, Southern Company

Julie Mulkerin, Chevron


Closing Remarks

Mechthild Wörsdörfer, IEA

Dirk Forrister, IETA

Anda Ray, EPRI