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17th IEA-IETA-EPRI Annual Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading

Workshop — Paris, France


The International Energy Agency (IEA), International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) hosted the 17th Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Workshop on October 11-12 in Paris.

Each year this invitation-only workshop brings together over one hundred senior officials from OECD countries, the European Union and other nations, corporate executives from electric companies, energy-intensive industries, brokerage companies and the financial community, analysts and researchers from non-governmental organisations and academia, to discuss developments in GHG emissions trading and related issues around the world. The workshop combines presentations based on recent research with interactive discussions, held under the Chatham House rule.



Workshop Overview and Introductions

 David Turk International Energy Agency (IEA)  Dirk Forrister International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) Tom Wilson Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)


Session 1: Scene-setter: The role of carbon pricing in the low-carbon transition

Carbon markets and carbon prices play a critical role in efficient greenhouse gas reduction. However, in practice, price-based approaches are often accompanied by a wide range of other emission reduction measures. This session will explore the interplay between carbon prices and complementary measures.

 Christina Hood International Energy Agency (IEA)  Tom Wilson Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Respondents   Emilie Alberola Industry Energy and Climate, Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE) Charles Rossmann Southern Company


Session 2: China’s national ETS

As China launches its national ETS this year, what are the fundamental elements of its design and scope? Will there be unique challenges as it is implemented? What scope is there for it to expand coverage in the coming years, and possibly ‘link’ to other carbon markets?

 Kevin Tu International Energy Agency (IEA)  James Cooper BP


Session 3: The EU ETS reform – mission accomplished?

Almost from the beginning of the EU ETS Phase 3, the EU’s carbon market has constantly been under reform. The backloading followed by introduction of the market stability reserve and the Phase 4 review, were all aiming at improving the effectiveness of the system. Is this goal now accomplished? What are the new challenges that the EU’s carbon market is currently facing?

 Ingo Ramming Commerzbank Paul Dawson RWE Jan Wouter Langenberg European Commission Yue Dong Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, France


Session 4: Paris Agreement – update on implementation

The implementation rulebook for the Paris Agreement is set to be agreed in November 2018 at COP24. These rules will include guidance for undertaking cooperative approaches under Article 6.2, and the modalities and procedures for the new Article 6.4 mechanism. With 13 months left, this session will provide an update on progress in the work programmes relevant to carbon markets, and discuss expectations for the 2018 outcome.

 Amy Steen UNFCCC Andrei Marcu ICTSD Yuji Mizuno IGES Edit Kiss Althelia


Session 5: Carbon Pricing in North America

Across North America, regional GHG emissions trading programs are rapidly evolving and expanding their footprint. How will these sub-national efforts to develop and implement GHG markets be impacted in the coming years by uncertain federal climate and trade policies? What are the prospects for emerging systems in Canada and Mexico? This session will highlight key recent developments in new GHG emissions trading programs in North America.

 Britt Grossman Environmental Defense Fund Nicholas Rivers  University of Ottawa, Canada José Manuel Medina Aguilar Permanent Delegation of Mexico to the OECD Edie Chang California Air Resources Board


Session 6: Aviation

ICAO’s CORSIA mechanism for helping airline operators achieve carbon neutral growth has been adopted and is now moving into a phase of implementation. This session will look at what the implications are for the various realities that CORSIA brings together: airline operators, existing carbon markets and policy architectures, the Paris Agreement, international credits, and carbon market participants.

 Jane Hupe International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 

Carrie Harris


International Airlines Group (IAG)

 Michael Lunter 

Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Netherlands

 Michel Adam IATA Rene Velasquez CBL Markets


Session 7: Carbon market clubs for standards, trading and linking

A number of multi-stakeholder initiatives are developing building blocks for future cooperation on carbon markets, through agreeing common standards or principles, and exploring implications of linking mechanisms in the context of the more complex bottom-up environment of the Paris Agreement. This session will explore the various objectives and work of these initiatives.

 Malin Ahlberg Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany Pierre Guigon World Bank Naoki Torii Ministry of Environment, Japan David Hone Shell


Closing Remarks

 David Turk International Energy Agency (IEA)  Dirk Forrister International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) Tom Wilson Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)


Past Workshops