Data and statistics
Climate Pledges Explorer
From policy ambition to real action, the IEA’s latest interactive database provides country and regional outlooks on climate commitments and net zero pledges
Monthly Electricity Statistics
Highlights and data explorer of monthly electricity production and trade data for all OECD member countries and electricity production data for a selection of other economies
Oil Stocks of IEA Countries
Measured in days of net imports, updated each month with the release of the Oil Market Report
Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators Data Explorer
Explore energy and emission data by country, end-uses and product, from 2000 onwards in four sectors (residential, services, industry and transport) for IEA member countries and beyond
Weather, Climate and Energy Tracker
Comprehensive weather data for energy modeling & analysis
World Energy Outlook 2024 GPT
Consult our AI-powered agent to explore the IEA's flagship report
Gender and Energy Data Explorer
Detailed data on gender gaps in the energy sector in employment and wages, senior management, entrepreneurship and innovation
Hydrogen production projects interactive map
Project-level data on low-emissions hydrogen production worldwide, created to complement the Global Hydrogen Review 2023.
Levelised Cost of Hydrogen Maps
Map the levelised cost of hydrogen from solar and wind energy worldwide.
Energy Efficiency Progress Tracker
Tracking energy efficiency progress for all regions and countries
Real-Time Electricity Tracker
Explore and compare real-time data on electricity demand, generation and spot prices, trade, and CO2 emissions from more than 50 sources
Energy Technology RD&D Budgets Data Explorer
Detailed breakdown of public budgets on energy RD&D submitted to the IEA by its member and association countries
ETP Clean Energy Technology Guide
Interactive database of nearly 600 individual technology designs and components across the whole energy system that contribute to achieving the goal of net-zero emissions
Clean Energy Demonstration Projects Database
The most comprehensive database of clean energy technology demonstrators
Renewable Energy Progress Tracker
Explore electricity, heat and renewable fuels data from Renewables 2024 and renewables ambitions by 2030
Government Energy Spending Tracker: Policy Database
Browse and visualise government spending on clean energy investment and affordability measures with data on 2 500+ policies in over 70 countries
Energy Policy Inventory
A snapshot of global energy policies tracking over 5 000 policies in 50 G20 and IEA Family countries
Energy Technology Patents Data Explorer
Explore data on clean energy and fossil fuel patents in 44 countries
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Data Explorer
Understanding the contributions of specific fuels and sectors to GHG emissions associated with combustion of fuels from 1971 to 2022 for over 205 countries and 38 regions
Energy Start-up Data Explorer
Explore detailed data on the lifecycle of energy start-ups from creation and funding to exit for 40 countries
EU4Energy Data Explorer
Explore and compare key indicators across countries in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
EV Life Cycle Assessment Calculator
Explore and compare the lifecycle emissions of conventional and electric cars and the effect of changing variables such as vehicle size
End-Use Prices Data Explorer
Explore high-quality data on end-use energy prices and taxes
Critical Minerals Data Explorer
Global demand projections for 37 critical minerals needed for clean energy transitions across the three main IEA scenarios and 11 technology-specific cases
Global EV Data Explorer
Explore historical and projected data on electric vehicles sales, stock, charging infrastructure and oil displacement
Global EV Policy Explorer
Key policies and measures that support the deployment of electric and zero-emission vehicles
National Reliance on Russian Fossil Fuel Imports
Which countries are most reliant on Russian fossil fuel imports, and how are those imports used?
Africa GIS Catalogue for Energy Planning
A collection of geographic information systems (GIS) models and datasets essential for integrated energy planning in Africa
CCUS Projects Explorer
Covers all large-scale CO2 capture, transport, storage, and utilisation projects commissioned or in planning worldwide.
Methane Tracker
Interactive database of country and regional estimates for methane emissions and abatement options
Global Observatory on People-Centred Clean Energy Transitions
Unit Converter
Convert between units of energy, mass and volume commonly used in the energy sector
Energy Statistics Data Browser
The most extensive selection of IEA statistics with charts and tables on 16 energy topics for over 170 countries and regions
Critical Minerals Policy Tracker
Explore key policies related to critical minerals needed for the energy transition
Latin America Energy Outlook Interactive Map
2022 data on mining, electricity generation capacity, natural gas and oil infrastructure, as well as their vulnerability to climate impacts
Electric Vehicle Charging and Grid Integration Tool
Quantify and visualise the charging demand profile for different vehicle classes and charging use cases
Electric Vehicles: Total Cost of Ownership Tool
An interactive calculator where users can compare the costs of owning and operating fossil fuel and electrified vehicles and the effect that changing different variables has on the result
Cost of Capital Observatory
Tracking the cost of capital for clean energy projects in emerging and developing economies
Google Trends Data Explorer
Compare Google search volumes for 40 energy-related terms across 45 countries
CCUS Legal and Regulatory Database
Database of laws and regulations that support a framework for CCUS development
Ukraine Real-Time Electricity Data Explorer
Real-time data on electricity demand and generation in Ukraine
SDG7: Data and Projections
Tracking progress and future scenarios for Sustainable Development Goal 7 covering access to electricity, access to clean cooking, modern renewables and energy intensity
Residential Heat Economics Calculator
Explore & compare the economics of different residential heating systems
National Data Collection Practices
Methodologies to collect data on energy end-uses across sectors (transport, industry, residential, services)
Levelised Cost of Electricity Calculator
Interactive table of LCOE estimates from Projected Costs of Generating Electricity 2020