Regional mean hydropower capacity factor, 2020-2099 relative to the baseline 1970-2000, by scenario Openexpand
Changes in hydropower capacity factor by Asian sub-region, 2020-2099 relative to the baseline 1970-2000 Openexpand
Average annual renewable capacity additions and cumulative installed capacity, historical, forecasts and IEA Net Zero Scenario, 2009-2026 Openexpand
New workers in clean energy and related sectors and shares by sector and job type in the Net Zero and Stated Policies Scenarios, 2030 Openexpand
Global steel demand for building construction, 2000-2020, and in the Net Zero Scenario, 2025-2030 Openexpand
Share of population living in a hot climate and air conditioner ownership by selected region, 2020 Openexpand
District heat production by region, 2020, and world average carbon intensities of district heat supply in the Net Zero Scenario, 2020-2030 Openexpand