Data and statistics
Methane emissions and level of regulatory development on methane control from oil and gas operations in selected countries and regions, to 2030
OpenMt methane
Top three countries' oil production growth in the Announced Pledges Scenario and Stated Policies Scenario, 2030
Refinery output growth in main refining countries, 2018-2019
Openmillion tonnes
Outstanding bonds by currency denomination for key SOEs and emerging economies, 2020-2023
OpenNet income from oil production in selected producer economies, if oil prices stay where they are
OpenBillion dollars (2018)
Net income in oil product in selected producer economies, if oil prices stay where they are, 2019-20
OpenBillion dollars (2018)
World oil demand growth vs supply capacity additions, 2019-2025
Largest producers by fuel, 2017
Change in total oil supply for selected countries, 2018-2024
2018 oil price movements in selected domestic currencies, Jan. 2018-Oct. 2018
OpenBiofuel and fossil-based transport fuel production cost comparison, 2017