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First Phase of European Climate Change Programme (EECP)
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 5 November 2017
As a result of the consultative process started in 2000, in June 2001, the Commission published the European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) Report. Following on from the ECCP Report, and in combination with a proposed directive on emissions trading, in October 2001, the Commission brought forward an Action Plan for the ECCP. The Action Plan took the form of a Communication from the Commission (COM(2001)580) on the implementation of the first phase of the ECCP, outlining the priority actions the Commission has set itself to implement in 2002 and 2003. These priority actions represent an emission reduction potential of 122-178 Mt Co2eq. In addition, the Communication sets out the basis for additional analysis, which the Commission is planning to undertake in other areas, such as CO2 sequestration (sinks) in agricultural soils and forests. The action plan includes proposals to implement the following measures in the energy sector: - Framework Directive for Minimum Efficiency Requirements for End-Use Equipment. - Directive on Energy Demand Management. - Directive for the promotion of Combined Heat and Power (CHP). - Initiatives on increased energy-efficient public procurement. - Public Awareness Campaign and Campaign for Take-off.