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Environment Law No. 32/2009

Last updated: 29 April 2022

Control over environmental pollution shall be supervised by the government (Ministry of Environment and Forestry) and regional governments. 


Businesses and activities with "substantial impact" on the environment, including exploitation of natural resources, are required to comply with standard environmental quality requirements, to prepare an environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) (Art 22), and to obtain environmental permits before beginning operations (Art 36). Environmental quality standards include a standard for emissions. 


Activity permits are nullified if the environmental permit is revoked (Art. 40).


The law also requires the government to develop economic instruments of the environment (Art 42), including in the form of environmental tax and emissions trading system or emission disposal permit. 


Governments (federal ministers, governors, and local mayors) can supervise the compliance of businesses. Sanctions include freezing or revoking permits, fines, or imprisonment (Art 100). 


No specific mention of methane. 


This law is a revision of the 1997 Environment Law. 



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