Complex strategy development and state legal decisions for improving energy efficiency in 2015
2. 1160/2015. (III. 20) Government Decision on the update of energy consumption forecasts under the National Energy Strategy:
Unit, PJ/a
joint efforts
joint efforts
Primary energy consumption
End use energy consumption
3. 1261/2015. (IV. 30) Government Decision on the adoption of the Hungarian National Reform Programme 2015: In line with the European 2020 Strategy in which it was announced a new national energy efficiency target: 92 PJ primary energy savings, which means 73 PJ final energy consumption savings.
4. 27/2015. (VI. 17) Parliament Decision on the National Environmental Programme for the period of 2015-2020: The main goals of the Programme related to energy efficiency are: (1) in the next period - in the context of climate change - must pay particular attention that the increase in income does not increase the household energy consumption simultaneously. (2) To develop an efficient, green and competitive economy. (3) To achieve a 10% overall energy savings based on environmental considerations. (4) To reduce the motorized traffic transportation needs, and facilitate the personal, non-motorized forms of transport. (5) To reach a greener the tax system with reduction of environmentally harmful subsidies. The Government presents the summary report to the Parliament in every two years.
5. 1487/2015. (VII. 21) Government Decision on legislative tasks related to the Jedlik Ãnyos Plan: The Jedlik Ãnyos Plan aims to promote the domestic spread of electro mobility. The main measures of ongoing planning, preparation-type tasks with several ministries and regulatory co-operation, for example: (1) Planning the deployment of charging infrastructure. (2) To develop the measurements and accounting system for electricity used to charge the vehicles (3) to ensure the operation of household charging appliances (4) Establishing direct and indirect-tax incentives, so on.
6. 1487/2015. (VII. 21) Government Decision on the Energy and Climate Awareness Raising Action Plan: The purpose of the Action Plan is to spread the awareness of energy and climate. Therefore, the Plan of Action accordingly identifies the achievable within a short time - the majority by 2020 - governmental measures which are capable of significantly to contribute to changing attitudes towards climate change and energy efficiency. It concerned the following five main areas: (1) energy efficiency and energy conservation; (2) renewable energy use; (3) transport energy saving and reduction on emission; (4) a resource-efficient and low-carbon-intensity of economic and social structures; (5) accommodation.
7. 1601/2015. (IX. 8) Government Decision on the III. Hungarian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan: This action plan is a general report based on the requirements from the 2012/27 EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). This is a complex strategy about the energy efficiency situation in Hungary and the main directions of development and the proposed measures relating to the transposition of EED.
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