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National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations (NGER) 2008

Last updated: 25 January 2023

The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme was introduced by the Australian Government in 2007 to provide data and accounting in relation to the greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption and production of covered entities (generally large corporations). The Scheme’s legislated objectives are to:

  • inform policy-making and the Australian public;
  • help meet Australia’s international reporting obligations; and
  • provide a single national reporting framework for energy production and consumption and emissions reporting.  

From 1 July 2016, NGER also serves as the reporting and compliance framework for the Australian Government's Safeguard Mechanism. The Safeguard Mechanism, which forms part of the Government's broader Direct Action Plan, will ensure that emission reductions purchased by the Government are not offset by significant increases in emissions above business as usual levels elsewhere in the economy. 

The NGER regulations outline reporting obligations for greenhouse gas emissions. They set procedures for the registration of reporting parties, define activities and facilities for which reporting is mandatory, list greenhouse gases (including methane) and their global warming potential, and address related matters.

Division 4.4 covers reporting requirements for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions from energy production and energy consumption. Item 4.11 references oil or gas emissions and outlines applicable methodologies to measure or estimate emissions. Item 4.28 references network or pipeline facilities, including gas supply networks. 

Facility specific emission factors are required in a number of cases, including for crude oil production, transport and refining. Moreover, hydrocarbons that are flared or vented must be identified separately. 

The regulations define reporting thresholds and procedures to address changes. They also set recordkeeping requirements, need for audits by qualified and registered greenhouse and energy auditors (Division 6.3-6.7), penalties for excess emissions, and provisions for the disclosure of information. 

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