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Climate Investment Programmes

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Starting in 2003, the Swedish government has provided a funding mechanism that supports municipalities and other local players (including county councils, municipal associations and companies) with long-term investments that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The programme has granted funding for 125 climate investment projects, as well as 22 special programmes (known as 'guldklimpar').
Guldklimpar are particularly effective measures that have been granted funding in programmes that have not been granted other funding. The programmes comprise 879 measures and an investment volume of about EUR 860 million, SEK 8 billion.
Funding requests are studied and grants provided for investment in the sectors that have the largest impact on GHG mitigation. This generally applies to measures in the transport, waste and energy sectors. They include expansion of district heating, anaerobic digestion of waste to produce biogas, transition to biofuels, measures to boost energy efficiency and local information measures to increase awareness on climate change and on the ongoing investment projects.
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies the funding applications along with sector agencies, such as the Swedish Road Administration or the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. The climate investment programmes normally run for four years, after which a final report is submitted to the EPA. This is when decisions are made on how much final funding is payable to those who have made investments, depending on how well they have met their objectives.
In 2007 final reports from the climate investment programmes started being submitted to the EPA. The fifth and final round of funding grants was awarded in May 2008. In the 45 Climate Investment Programmes (Klimp) so far completed up to March 2010 throughout Sweden, the projects carried out have led to a reduction in Swedish emissions of greenhouse gases of around 260,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per year.
In the 81 Climate Investment Programmes that are still active, the projects are expected to lead to further reductions in emissions totalling almost 700,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per year.
In total, 913 projects have been or are being carried out by municipalities, companies and other organisations.
Investments amounting to approximately 7.6 billion kronor are expected to be made, with the aid of grants of just over 1.7 billion kronor, up until 2012.

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