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MEPS for non inverter type and single phase air conditioners

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 7 July 2020

According to the 2014 Brunei's "Energy White Paper" developing Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling was seen as a key upcoming policy to Ensure Safe, Secure, Reliable and Efficient Supply and Use of Energy. This was supposed to be achieved through:

  • Establishing legal framework for energy efficiency standards.
  • Setting up minimum energy efficiency standards for air conditioners in the first phase, followed by refrigerators, lightings and other appliances in the subsequent phases.
  • Designing the types of energy efficiency indicators and rating scale to be adopted for each appliance.
  • Introducing energy labelling for selected electrical appliances


Minimum energy performance standards were then developed for non inverter type and single phase air conditioners.

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