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Task-setting agreement 10 PJ for housing sector

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Earlier covenants to stimulate energy savings in residential and other buildings by improving energy performance with at least two 'levels' in the energy label system were updated in 2012 (e.g. More with less covenant on private dwellins). Under the Energy Agreement in 2017 additional support measures were concluded in a socalled 10PJ (task-setting) convenant, such as additional information and improving energy services. It is being endeavoured between the energy suppliers, installers, network operators and the government to give rise to an energy saving market and that the actions result in an additional final energy saving of 10 PJ in 2020. As support subsidy services by local governments were started (see respective PAMs), such as the National Energy Savings Revolving Fund (NEF) and subsidies for homeowners who invest in at least two energy-saving measures (SEEH).

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