2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code
RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. For this code, includes R-3 buildings regulated under the Residential Code: one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses.
Insulation and fenestration criteria. The building thermal envelope opaque assemblies shall meet the requirements of Table 502.1.1 and Section 502.2 Tables 502.2(1). Fenestration shall meet the requirements of Section 502.3.
Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing occupancies other than Group R shall use the R-values from the “All other” column of Table 502.2(1) 502.1.1. Buildings with a vertical fenestration area or skylight area that exceeds that allowed in Table 502.3 shall comply with Section 502.1.3, Simplified tradeoff approach or Section 506.1, Whole Building Approach.
U-factor alternative. Opaque assemblies with a U-factor, C-factor, or F-factor equal or less than that specified in Table 502.1.2 shall be permitted as an alternative to the R-value in Table 502.2(1) 502.1.1. Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing Group R occupancies shall use the U-factor, C-factor, or F-factor from the “Group R” column of Table 502.1.2. Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing occupancies other than Group R shall use the Ufactor, C-factor or F-factor from the “All other” column of Table 502.1.2.
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