IECC 2012 with amendments - Commercial Building Code (Ohio)
The building thermal envelope shall meet the requirements of Tables C402.2 and C402.3 based on the climate zone specified in Chapter 3. Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing Group R occupancies shall use the R-values from the “Group R” column of Table C402.2. Commercial buildings or portions of commercial buildings enclosing occupancies other than Group R shall use the R-values from the “All other” column of Table C402.2. Buildings with a vertical fenestration area or skylight area that exceeds that allowed in Table C402.3 shall comply with the building envelope provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1.
Specific Insulation Requirements (Prescriptive)
Opaque assemblies shall comply with Table C402.2. Where two or more layers of continuous insulation board are used in a construction assembly, the continuous insulation boards shall be installed in accordance with Section C303.2. If the continuous insulation board manufacturer’s installation instructions do not address installation of two or more layers, the edge joints between each layer of continuous insulation boards shall be staggered.
Fenestration (Prescriptive)
Fenestration shall comply with Table C402.3. Automatic daylighting controls specified by this section shall comply with Section C405.
Air Leakage (Mandatory)
The thermal envelope of buildings shall comply with Sections C402.4.1 through C402.4.8.
Service Water Heating (Mandatory)
Water-heating equipment and hot water storage tanks shall meet the requirements of Table C404.2. The efficiency shall be verified through data furnished by the manufacturer or through certification under an approved certification program.
Lighting Controls (Mandatory)
Lighting systems shall be provided with controls as specified in Sections C405.2.1, C405.2.2, C405.2.3 and C405.2.4.
On-Site Renewable Energy
Total minimum ratings of on-site renewable energy systems shall comply with one of the following:
1. Provide not less than 1.75 Btu (1850 W), or not less than 0.50 watts per square foot (5.4 W/m2) of conditioned floor area.
2. Provide not less than 3 percent of the energy used within the building for building mechanical and service water heating equipment and lighting regulated in this chapter.
Total Building Performance
Compliance with this section requires that the criteria of Sections C402.4, C403.2, C404 and C405 be met.
2012 IECC amendments
1. Section C101.4.3
a. Exception 5 shall read "Roof recover or roof repair."
b. Exception 6 shall read "Roofs without insulation in the cavity and where the sheathing or insulation is exposed during reroofing shall be insulated either above or below the sheathing."
c. Renumber exceptions 6, 7, and 8 as 7, 8, and 9.
2. Section C202 add the following definitions
REROOFING. The process of recovering or replacing an existing roof covering. See "Roof recover" and "Roof replacement."
ROOF RECOVER. The process of installing an additional roof covering over a prepared existing roof covering without removing the existing roof covering.
ROOF REPAIR. Reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing roof for the purpose of its maintenance.
ROOF REPLACEMENT. The process of removing the existing roof covering, repairing any damaged substrate and installing a new roof covering.
3. Section C402.2.1.1
Delete existing section and Table C402.2.1.1 and replace with new section which reads "C402.2.1.1 Roof replacement. For roof replacements, where the existing roof assembly is part of the building thermal envelope and contains insulation entirely above deck, roof replacement shall include compliance with the requirements of Table C402.1.2 or Table C 402.2." 1301.3
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