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Notice on Provisional Management Measures for Distributed Wind Power Project Development and Construction for all provinces

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 17 May 2021

The Notice was published by the National Energy Administration on 3rd of April 2018. The Notice provides various technical and non-technical regulations for the construction and development of the onshore wind projects.

Technical requirements: Distributed wind power projects should be connected to the grid to 110kV and below grids and should not deliver power to the grid of higher voltage. There should be only one grid connection point for each project connected to the grid of 110kV (66kV in the northeast area), and the upper limit of total capacity for each project is 50MW. The technical solution of grid connection should be adopted centralized wind power project standard.

Grid connection model: Distributed wind power projects should either choose “self-consumption with surplus power connection” or “all power connection” model, but projects connecting surplus power will not receive subsidies from the Renewable Energy Development Fund.

Land Use: Projects can be built on land under the right of use of project developers (e.g. industrial park land), but should not occupy permanent prime farmland of China. The project planned on other types of land needs to go through application processes according to the law.

Marketisation: Projects are allowed to directly sell electricity to users within the distribution grid.

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