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National Energy Policy 2013-2027 (Politica Energetica 2013-2027)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 24 February 2017

The National Energy Plan defines the promotion of renewable energy resources as one of its guiding principles. It establishes important guidelines to prioritize actions for sustainable development. The plan aims to promote the use of clean and environmentally friendly energy for domestic consumption without losing sight of energy security and the need for supplying electricity at competitive prices.

Electricity: The plan sets the long term targets of:

  • Reaching 80% of electricity generation from renewable energy resources.
  • Installing 500 MW of renewable capacity.
  • Building 1500 km of transmission lines to integrate renewable energy.

Heating and Cooling: The plan sets long term targets of:

  • Installing 100,000 energy efficient wood stoves, reducing the use of firewood in the industrial sector by 15%.
  • Substituting the use of firewood at the domestic level by up to a 25% using other fuel sources.

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