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Rules and Regulations for Implementing the Renewable Energy Act

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 16 February 2017

Rules and regulations in the Circular implement the Republic Act No. 9513 to support renewable energy deployment, establish necessary infrastructure and build national and local capabilities. These include:

  • 1) Renewable energy policy mechanisms can be used by the government to support deployment, including: Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS), Feed-in Tariff System (FiT), Net-Metering, Green Energy Option Program and mechanisms for Transmission and Distribution System Development.
  • 2) General incentives for development including: Tax holiday for registered developers and projects; Tax exemptions for hybrid and co-generation systems and Exemptions from duties on equipment and materials.
  • 3) The DOE needs to create the Renewable Energy Market as a sub-market to the wholesale energy spot market, where renewable energy certificates are traded. Renewable energy certificates are issued and managed by a Registrar appointed by DOE.

Additionally, the circular obliges the National Power Corporation and smaller power utilities, among other parties, in off-grid areas to source a minimum share of their total annual generation from available renewable resources.

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