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Karnataka Renewable Energy Policy 2014-2021 (Draft)
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 12 May 2021
The Karnataka Renewable Energy Policy recognizes the need for long term energy security and how volatile fossil fuel costs, global warming and climate change is promoting renewable power generation in the State. The policy follows the Karnataka Renewable Energy Policy 2009-14 and sets more ambitious targets for renewables. The proposed year-wise targets are below: Capacity targets (MW)RE Source2014-152015-162016-172017-182018-192019-20TotalWind Power3504004254504755002600Mini, Micro & Small Hydro50100100100125125600Biomass, Cogeneration and MSW356575757575400Total4355656006256757003600The Government of Karnataka, in order to meet the target capacity additions during the operative Period would encourage setting up of projects under any of the following categories:Feed-in-Tariff based or Competitive Bidding based projects;Projects under Captive/Group Captive and Independent Power Producer mechanism;Projects under R