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Flanders: grants for solar thermal, micro-CHP and heat pumps

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
In period 2006-2008, the Flemish regional government offered grants to non-commercial institutions and public entities covering up to 20% of the cost for the purchase and installation of solar thermal equipment. Eligible entities include provincial and municipal government bodies as well as public social centres and recognised religious denominations. Equipment must meet certain quality and efficiency criteria and be installed by a registered contractor. Funding for solar thermal grants are provided up to EUR 200 000 per year. In 2009-2010, the Flemish Energy Agency (VEA) offered grants following the same modalities (20% of costs, up to EUR 200 000 in funding available per year) for the purchase of micro-CHP (maximum rated electrical capacity of 50kW) and heat pumps. CHP installations must meet standard quality criteria, and heat pumps are required to meet a minimum coefficient of performance, which varies according the type of heat pump. After this demonstration programme, subsidies for local government bodies for solar thermal (up to 20%), micro-CHP and heat pumps (both up to 50%) were included in the "cooperation agreement with the Flemish Region",

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