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Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program for Bangladesh (SREP Bangladesh)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 29 August 2016

Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program for Bangladesh (SREP Bangladesh) was released at the end of 2015 to outline potential development and investments in the renewable energy sector in the country.

The Investment Plan of SREP, if implemented, will be transformational for Bangladesh, launching an aggressive drive toward the integration of renewable energy generation into the grid, and a continued expansion of the off-grid electrification programs in the country.

Bangladesh aims to increase renewable energy capacity by 3.1 GW by 2021 following below technology capacity goals:


New capacity (MW)


Solar PV

1 676


Onshore wind

1 370








3104 MW

According to the report, in 2015 Bangladesh total renewable energy capacity was at 437 MW with only half of it being connected to the grid. 

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