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Renewable energy capacity auction (500 MW wind, 200 MW biomass)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 21 November 2017

On 23rd of October government announced first call for renewable energy auction to be held in 2015 in order to procure wind and biomass generation capacity. The call was announced and regulated by Order IET/2212/2015. This was the first auction launched under new mechanism that was set in the energy reform in 2013. Capacity developed under the mechanism contributes to Spain’s EU 2020 renewable energy target.

Government opened auction for 500 MW of onshore wind and 200 MW of bioenergy generation capacity. Auction closed on 14th of January 2016 and attracted large investors’ interest. All opened capacity was awarded. Projects will fully rely on their income from power markets for profitability. 

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