The effectiveness of telework is shown by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Telecommunication. The Ministry estimates that “if Telework is implemented in large scale in Japan, there will be a large amount of energy saving”. And another estimate shows that “if 100 people do the telework in the summer (2012), it will be an electric saving of 1million kW”. In May 2007, the interministerial meeting (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and other ministries) on promotion of the Telework made an action plan in which the target of the number of teleworking population was set. The actual number was 3.2 million in FY 2010. The target was renewed in 2012 and it is 7 million telework workers by 2015.
In the latest implementation status report of Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement plan published in July 2014, telework is clearly specified as the key measure to achieve the Kyoto target and in the case of FY 2012, a series of professional delivery seminars, etc. were conducted to private companies nationwide to further disseminate the value of the Telework.
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