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Energy audit Co-financing

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The measure is intended to promote energy efficiency in SMEs. In accordance with article 8 of the Decree n. 102 of 2014, the Ministry of Economic Development published a call for tender to co-financing regional programs to support the implementation of energy audits in SMEs or the adoption of ISO 50001 management systems.15 million euro per year have been allocated until 2020, and the call will be replicated in the coming years.
The public notice 4/8/2016 made available EUR 15 million to cover 50% of the costs associated to the energy audit implementation in SMEs. These funds are are additional to the amount provided with the Ministerial Decree 1275/2015. The Interministerial Decree 21/12/2016 approves the regional programs to develop energy audit in SMEs or to adopt ISO 50001 certification in 11 regions, for a total EUR 8 million cofinancing.

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