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Ireland Biofuel Obligation Scheme

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 14 September 2020
The Irish Biofuel Obligation Scheme (BOS) came into effect in 2010 mandating fuel suppliers to include a percentage of biofuels in their yearly sales. The obligation levels are increased on a sustainable basis in order to increase renewable energy in the transport sector and reduce GHG emissions Historical biofuel obligation levels are as follow:
Ireland Biofuel Obligation levels (by volumes)











Fuel suppliers receive one certificate for each litre of biofuel placed on the market. Two certificates are issued if the biofuel is produced from materials such as biodegradable waste, residue, non-food cellulosic material, ligno-cellulosic material or algae. Certificates are issued for biofuels that have been demonstrated to have complied with the sustainability criteria of the Directive. Biofuels must not be made from feedstock's sourced from certain categories of land, and must achieve certain greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The Scheme will continue until 2030 and further increases in the oblgation will be implemented in comindg years

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