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Network for wind power (Nätverket för vindbruk)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 11 March 2014

The network for wind power was founded in 2008 by instructions from the Swedish Government. The network aims at fostering the expansion of wind power by means of information activities, educational activities, networking and economic support to wind power projects. The network was developed in light of the national objective of having a preparedness to expand wind power capacity by a corresponding annual electricity production of 30TWh, as decided by the Swedish Riksdag.

The Swedish Energy Agency has the formal responsibility for the network, which, among other things, involves decision making about the disbursement of annual funds.

In 2011-2012, 22 and 26 projects were granted funding, respectively. In 2011, a total of SEK 15,4 million was granted and in 2012 the total was SEK 17 million.

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