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Development and Deployment of Utility Scale Renewable Power Plant

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 29 January 2014

The goal of the program is to deploy solar and wind energy generation technologies as part of the electricity generation inventory of Kuwait. The program is launched with the Shagaya RE Park project which is to be implemented on 100 km² site in the north western part of Kuwait (Shagaya).The targeted total capacity of Shagay is 2000 MW which is to be achieved by 2030. Shagaya RE Park will be constructed in three phases:

Phase 1: 70 MW of RE (50 MW CSP, 10 MW PV and10 MW Wind). The ultimate goal of Phase 1 is to collect technical and economical performance data and information and carry out R&D activities. This phase is an on-going activity and is expected to be operational by early 2016.

Phase 2: Extending the plant to reach 1000 MW (550 MW CSP, 380 MW PV, 70 MW Wind) and it is expected to be operational by 2020.

Phase 3: Final extension of the plant to reach a total of 2000 MW (1150 MW CSP, 723 MW PV, 127 MW wind) and it is expected to be operational by 2030.