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Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy "MASEN" (Law 57.09)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 19 February 2015

The law 57.09 voted in January 2010 creates the National Agency for Solar Energy, a leading institution to promote and manage the solar energy sector in Morocco.

The agency will be entrusted with coordinating the National Integrated Project for Solar Electricity Production. The Solar Integrated Projects targets the development of solar power plants reaching a total installed capacity of 2000 MW. This represents 38% of Moroccos current installed capacity. Power plants will be set up in five priority areas on a total of 10 000 ha. Tenders will be addressed by September 2010 and the entire project is expected to be operational by 2019. At full capacity, the solar power plants will generate about 4500 GWh, part of which will be exported. The project seeks to provide 10% of Moroccos electricity needs.

Besides its role of implementing and managing the National Integrated Project for Solar Electricity Production, the National Agency for Solar Energy has two other primary tasks:

  • Develop training, technical expertise and promote research and development in the field of solar energy;
  • Develop Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and foster international investment in Moroccan solar projects;

The national Agency will be funded by the Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development, the Energy Investment Society and the National Electricity Office (ONE).

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