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The Law About Support the Use of Renewable Energy Sources (amended)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 24 January 2022

The Law About Support the Use of Renewable Energy Sources was adopted on 4th of July 2009 (with the latest amendments on 27th December 2021 (as of January 20, 2022)). The amendment entered into force on 12 January 2014 introduced feed-in tariff (FIT) programme, tax relief, grants and outlined rules of land allocation for RES-utilities. 

Feed-in tariffs: The feed-in tariff scheme is targeted at an increase in renewable electricity generation that are in line with the targets from the Green Energy Concept of supplying 3% of electricity by wind and solar in 2020 and of supplying 30% and 50% of electricity by "alternative energy sources" by 2030 and 2050, accordingly. Renewable energy power plants are eligible for a guaranteed power prices for 15 years period. 

The feed-in tariff levels in KZT/kWh are as follow: 

  • Wind  (excluding wind power plant Astana EXPO-2017 with a capacity of 100 MW) 22.68
  • Wind power plant Astana EXPO-2017 with a capacity of 100 MW 59.7
  • Solar PV (excluding Kaz PV) 34.61 
  • Small hydro power plants 16.71
  • Biogas plants 32.23 

Auctioning mechanism has been introduced in Kazakhstan with amendments to the Law About Support the Use of Renewable Energy Sources in 2017. Rules for organizing and conducting auctions were developed in 2017. Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan approves "Schedule of the auction" annually and approves marginal auction prices. 

Results of auctions: In 2020, a total of 250 MW of installed capacity was put up at renewable energy auctions. As a result, 16 renewable energy projects with a total installed capacity of 148 MW were selected at auctions in 2020, of which 65 MW are wind farms, 60 MW solar power plants, and 23 MW small hydropower plants. The auction winners selected 60% of the proposed auction capacity. 

The approved fixed tariffs and auction prices are subject to annual indexation, taking into account changes in the exchange rate of the national currency to foreign currencies. 

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