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Law on Energy from Renewable Sources

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 18 August 2015

The Lithuanian Law on Energy from Renewable Sources enetered into force on 12 May 2011. The Law transposes EU acquis communautaire on the energy sector embodied in following Directives: 2009/28/EC, 2009/72/EC and 2009/73/EC.

The Law establishes the legal framework for administration, regulation and control over renewable energy sector in Lithuania. The Law regulates system of Feed-in tariffs.

Main objectives of the Law:

  • To ensure sustainable development of the renewable energy sector
  • To decrease country’s reliance on energy imports
  • To decrease consumption of the fossil fuels
  • To increase energy security of Lithuania
  • To promote and support research and application of innovative energy technologies

The Law sets following mandatory energy targets to be achieved by 2020:

  • 20% of gross annual energy consumption must come from renewable sources
  • Transport: at least 20% of energy consumption in transport sector must be sources from renewables
  • Heat: 60% of district heating energy must be derived from renewable sources

Renewable energy capacity targets to be reached by 2020:

  • capacity of wind plants connected to the grid must be incresed at least up to 500 MW;
  • capacity of solar electiricy plants, exceeding 30kW, must be increased at least up to 10 MW;
  • capacity of hydro power plants must be increased at least up to 14 MW;
  • capacity of the power plants running on biofuels must be increased at least up to 355 MW

After these capacities will be reached, feed-in tariffs will not be available anymore.

Guarantees of origin will be issued to the producers of electricity or heat from renewable energy sources.

The Law introduces renewable heat obligations for all new buildings and existing buildings undergoing major renovations. Obligations will enter into force on 31st December 2014.

Under the Law installations generating energy from renewable energy sources are granted priority in terms of connecting to the national grid

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