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Order of the President of Republic of Azerbaijan on preparation of National Strategy on the use of alternative and RES for 2010-2020
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 12 May 2021
On the basis of this Order, central government of Azerbaijan is obliged to prepare and present national strategy or the use of alternative and renewable energy sources for the country for 2012-2020. The strategy must be prepared on the basis of cooperation with local governments as well as with international companies. Strategy must be presented within 6 months (the latest in June 2012).Main objectives of the Order and the Strategy are:Create sustainable energy system in the country;Create legal framework conditions for the usage of RECDetermine key directions for the production of electricity ad thermal energy from renewablesEstablish optimal conditions for the promotion or renewable energy sector (productions, transfer distribution and delivery).Outline how Azerbaijan’s RES targets will be achieved (20% of RES-E in total energy consumption in 2020) Apart of RES, strategy must tackle energy efficiency, security of supply, ecological security and cost effectiveness.