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Interconnection Policy for Renewable Generating Source

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 2 July 2013

The purpose of this Policy and accompanying Guidelines is to set forth common interconnection requirements and a common interconnection process, based on a common screening process, for the Utility and the Interconnection Customers to expeditiously interconnect non fossil fuelled generating facilities with a rated capacity up to and including 50kW in a safe and reliable manner.

The Utility’s aim is to allow for a maximum distributed non-fossil fuelled power penetration level of 15% of feeder/system yearly maximum demand.

The policy, and the accompanying guideline, delineates the complete procedure for interconnecting a non fossil fuel source (below 50 kW) to the grid.

A summary of the salient features:

  1. The application procedures including the submission process, application fees, screening process etc. are described in the accompanying guideline.
  2. In general, the small producers (less than 5kw) have an easier screening process called “Simplified Interconnection”. The process for larger generators (less than 25kW) involves more screening still larger generators (upto 50kW) require full interconnection study.
  3. Producers have to follow applicable codes and standards including: a) safety and reliability rules set by the National Electrical Code. b) IEEE standards (IEEE 1547.1) pertaining to connecting distributed resources with electric power systems. c) All requirements set by the APUA’s interconnection procedure guideline. Moreover, the equipment used by the producer should be certified, by recognized testing laboratory.
  4. The generators have the right to feed into the system but they must disconnect in the event of power outages or abnormal system conditions.
  5. The producers bear the costs of any technical reviews and of any required system modifications. Moreover, the policy does not describe any feed-in-tariff payment mechanism for the power fed into the grid by the producers.The Utility’s aim, at this time, is to allow for a maximum distributed non-fossil fuelled power penetration level of fifteen percent (15%) of feeder/system yearly maximum demand.

Want to know more about this policy ? Learn more