EFEKT - State programme to promote energy savings and use of renewable and secondary energy sources
Support for energy planning and certification of buildings: territorial energy planning; action plans for reconstruction or refurbishment of building resources; plans for energy saving in industrial enterprises; plans for construction of centres for use of municipal waste for energy purposes; certificates of energy intensity of buildings. Support for energy generation and distribution facilities: increased efficiency of energy use in energy generation and distribution facilities; combined generation of heat and electricity; higher use of renewable and secondary sources of energy. Support for measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of energy use: decreased energy intensity of industrial plant; comprehensive measures aimed at decreasing the energy intensity of buildings used in education, health services and public utilities; comprehensive measures aimed at decreasing the energy intensity of housing; low energy and passive solar housing; comprehensive measures aimed at decreasing the energy intensity in lighting; projects financed through energy savings. Support for consultancy, education, promotion and awareness with respect to the economical use of energy, affecting the safeguarding of the environment: consultancy; regional energy agencies; education and promotion; preparation of products in support of consultancy, education and promotion.
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