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Smart metering on electricity consumption

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 24 September 2012

As the gross final consumption in electricity is represented by the Sent-out units and the generation plant self consumption, the losses in distribution are already being accounted for. Distribution technical losses are being considered as savings by decentralisedgeneration and energy efficiency measures. The actual figure of the required technical losses is not available, but as predicted through the introduction of smart meters, the above quoted figures should reduce to around 5%.

It is further assumed that Enemalta Corporation, through smart metering and through enforcement requirements in the integration of the electricity interconnection with Sicily and the large scale RES projects, will have improvements to a 4% figure15. The overall RES target is however not that sensitive to such estimated figures as these will only affect a small share of the electrical gross consumption figures.

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