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Green Electricity Act 2012

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 15 May 2013

Notification by European Comission in February 2012;

Targets for additional installations in the period 2010 to 2020 according to the Green Electricity Act: Hydro 1,000 MW, Wind 2,000 MW, PV 1,200 MW, Biomas and Biogas 200 MW, depending on availability of ressorces;

Green electricity lump sum fee starting from 11 Euro p.a. up to 35,000 Euro p.a. depending on network level with exemptions for low-income;

Customer also has to pay a Green electricity funding contribution as a surcharge to network tariffs;

Suppliers pay market price for electricity (hourly day ahead spot market price EEX/EXAA) plus price for certificates of origin (determined in a decree of the Energy Regulatory Authority);

Feed-in tariffs and investment subsidies see annual Ökostromverordnung.