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Renewable Energy Plan 2011 - 2020

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 27 June 2013

The Royal Decree 661/2007 and the Sustainable Economy Law require the Government to draw up renewable energy plans in order to reach the renewable energy national targets. Hence, the Renewable Energy Plan (REP) 2011-2020 has been officially produced, and via IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving), by the Secretariat of State for Energy of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

IDAE, attached to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, through the Secretariat of State for Energy, has been appointed as the Office for the REP 2011-2020 and is responsible for its follow-up.

The REP 2011-2020 sought to incorporate the primary elements from the NREAP 2011-2020 dated 30th June 2010, plus additional analysis, among which stands out a detailed sectorial analysis covering, among other aspects, a technological development outlook and costs forecast. Additionally, the REP 2011-2020, as stipulated by the Spanish Law, had to undergo a Strategic Environmental Assessment process so as to steer from the very outset the Plans preparation towards the environmental objectives, harmonising those with the planning process, in order to add to its environmental sustainability. During the preparation of this plan, the Sub commission in the Spanish Parliament in charge of outlining the Spanish energy strategy for the next 25 years, adjusted the national 2020 target to 20,8% share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption to respond to the effects of the current economic downturn and administering the total amount of financial support nationally assigned to renewable energy development while still exceeding the minimum target set up by Directive 2009/28/EC. The adjustment of the objective was transferred to the then upcoming REP 2011-2020. The latter was finally approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on 11th November 2011, and subsequently, the NREAP 2011-2020 was accordingly amended and submitted to the European Commission on 5th January 2012. In order to support the Plans contents, fifteen general and sectorial studies have been completed. They have thoroughly analysed numerous technical, economic, social and environmental aspects, all crucial during the development of the different chapters of the REP.

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