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Ghana Energy Development and Access Project (GEDAP)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 31 January 2013

The Ghana Energy Development and Access Project is a co-operative project to improve electricity sector performance, undertaken by the Ghanaian government and a set of international institutions, mainly the World Bank, the Swiss Economic Cooperation and the African Development Bank. The programme has three target areas: the sectors institutional performance and suitability, the improvement of electricity distribution and an increase in the share of electricity from renewable sources. Regarding the planning of renewable energy deployment projects in rural areas, specific attention will be paid to local demand, resource availability and distance to the grid. To encourage the production of affordable electricity, the plan is deploying over 7,500 PV systems to schools, hospitals and off-grid communities. End-users are granted 50% of the appliance purchasing price, and the remaining 50 % will be supported by the Apex Bank or others SME-focused Ghanaian banks over a three-year period. Moreover, investors will benefit from: a total import duty exemption on renewable energy (RE) generating equipment, including solar generators and wind turbines; from total VAT exemption on imported RE products if all components are imported as a whole; and an exemption from import duties on plant, machinery and equipment imported specifically and exclusively for the establishment of the companies.

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