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Access for Small and Non-Conventional Power Producers: Short Law I and II

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 4 November 2013

The Short Law I allows small power producers to participate in the spot market and connect to the distribution network, to promote private investment and participation in electricity production. The legislation guarantees all small power producers (< 9 MW) the right to sell their energy to the electricity market at spot or nodal price. In addition, they are guaranteed non-discriminatory access conditions to the distribution system. Progressive toll trunk charge exemptions have been set up for non conventional energy (NCRE) producers, from full exemption for less than 9MW capacity plants to no exemption for plants with a capacity of 20MW and greater.

In 2005, the Short Law II allowed power generators, including NCRE producers, to sign long-term supply contracts with distribution companies, awarded through a non discriminatory tendering process.

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