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Law 2005-82 on Energy Efficiency Fund (FNME)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 12 November 2013

The Energy Efficiency Fund guarantees public support to energy efficiency and renewable energy activties through the allocation of subsidies.

According to the Art 2 of the present Law, the Fund is financed by a tax on first licence registration of touristic cars, according to motor capacity, VAT tax and custom duties on air conditioning equipment and commodities.

In addition, revenue derived from fines imposed on non-compliant companies or individuals, as stated in the Law 2009-7 on Energy Efficiency, will finance the Fund. According to latest adaptations and since the implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Program 2008-2011, income derived from Clean Development Mechanisms will also be attributed to the Energy Efficiency Fund, as a bridging link between international cooperation and national policy implementation.

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