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Purchase of electricity from geothermal plants (20/2011; 22/2012)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 19 March 2015

In March 2011 Regulation Number 20/2011 of the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry regulated the power purchase tariff of electricity from geothermal sources.

The regulation assignes the state-owned utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara to purchase electricity generated from geothermal plants inside Working Area of Geothermal Mining at a maximum price of USD 0.97/kWh. This tariff shall be stabilised in a Power Purchase Agreement, be final and without negociation.

New tariff also applies to auction results in working areas of geothermal mining already executed before the present ministerial regulation.


In order to download full text of the Ministerial Regulation No.20/2011 please, .

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