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State Policy Guidelines for Promoting Renewable Energy in the Power Sector

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 17 September 2013

On 8 January 2009 the Russian government approved State Policy Guidelines for Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Power Industry Through the use of Renewable Energy for the Period up to 2020.

This document underlines the lack of renewable energy development in Russia, and identifies the barriers to be overcome. These include market and institutional barriers, lack of infrastructure, data, and information on potentials, absence of a regulatory framework and technical guidance, and resourcing issues.


The guidelines establish targets for the share of electricity generation from renewable energy sources up to 2020, excluding large hydro (over 25 MW). The target is 1.5% in 2010, 2.5% in 2015 and 4.5% in 2020. At the time the policy passed, less than 1% of total electricity generation came from renewable energy sources, excluding large hydro. The targets will be differentiated by energy source, and eventually introduce additional target parameters such as installed capacity or electricity generated.

The guidelines outline measures to be taken in three broad areas:

  • Improving the state oversight system for renewable energy generation,
  • levelling the playing field to make renewable energy more competitive, and
  • Omproving renewable energy generation infrastructure.

To strengthen and improve state oversight for renewable energy the measures undertaken are to:

  • Improve targets and monitor progress with meeting them; this may involve periodically updating targets based on evolving economic, energy and environmental priorities;
  • Improve statistical reporting on renewable energy in electricity generation and consumption;
  • Develop and regularly refine the distribution of renewable energy generation facilities, taking into account location of labour force, regional socio-economic development prospects and resource base; this includes a list of projects, both for new construction and upgrade of existing facilities;
  • Develop and implement measures to attract extra-budgetary investments for the construction of new and upgrading of existing renewable energy generation facilities; use venture fund mechanisms to invest in such facilities;
  • Promote the development of energy-service SMEs in the renewable energy power sector.

In order to level the playing field and allow renewable energy to compete with fossil-fuel electricity generation, the Ministry of Energy will:

  • Establish and regularly revise a feed-in premium for electricity generated from renewable energy sources;
  • Mandate whoelsale electricity buyers to purchase a certain volume from renewable energy sources;
  • Improve the legal framework for using natural resources in the construction and operation of renewable energy generating facilities;
  • Undertake additional support measures for renewable energy electricity generation, in compliance with budget legislation.

To improve the infrastructure for renewable energy generation, the guidelines envisage:

  • Improving RD&D in renewable energy power generation, and developing domestic industry capacity in this sector;
  • Establishing and development informational networks for technical and general support, as well as the introduction of management information technologies;
  • Developing and implementing programmes to disseminate information on renewable energy, and training specialists in design and operation of power-generating facilities; In addition, developing and deploying regulatory, technical and methodological tools for renewable energy facility design, construction and operation;
  • Lead the establishment of a system that provides consumers with incentives to purchase an increasing amount of renewable energy generated electricity.

The guidelines mandate the Ministry of Energy to coordinate implementation and monitoring of the measures, and to monitor progress against the targets.

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